Cosmic Whirlpool

Shaken, not stirred. 😵‍💫 That's how I've been feeling the past few days. Yesterday we experienced the third and final square between the planet Mars in Gemini and our cloudy friend Neptune in Pisces. Gemini's glyph is the twins, and for me this transit (which has been waxing and waning since October 2022) is about wanting to act (Mars) but being torn between two options. With Neptune's tendency to obfuscate, the tension can express as wanting to chase some ideal but simultaneously feeling like you have to take the practical path. And there's been a lot of noise. Gemini is ruled by Mercury and it loves to chatter – effortlessly flitting from one conversation to the next. But with this aspect playing out for so long, the noise has escalated to the point that your head might feel like it's tumbling around in a washing machine, no longer sure which way is up.

Thankfully, though, the noise is starting to dissipate, as this aspect is separating for the final time. Simultaneously, Mars is FINALLY edging out of its shadow (the point where it stationed retrograde last October). We might not be entirely sure where we are going, but the train is leaving the station! 🚉

If that's not enough, we have finished our first week of Saturn settling into Pisces, where it landed with the soft plop of a stone sinking into a pond after 5 years of holding court in the two signs of its rulership, Capricorn and Aquarius. This transit will force Saturn to loosen its tight grip on the reins. Rather than throwing up roadblocks in this physical world, we will be invited to turn inwards. I for one am looking forward to a time of increased creative expression, as so many of my all time favourite albums were released the last time Saturn passed through Pisces (1994 - 1996), including Oasis's 'Definitely Maybe.' 🎶 Teenage me is doing a little bit of a happy dance right now — and after the long slog over the past 5 years, I think we can all use a bit of a dance! 💜

Artwork: @psychetriptik


Venus Enters Leo for an Extended Stay


Liminal Space